When you start to become an expert at some field, certain possiblities present themselves you would've never considered before. Things that were once experimental are now a part of your process without any additional thought. It's muscle memory. That's why in 2015 I started to try to convey feeling in photos. I started to get better at it, but right around this time, the business stuff started morphing into something way bigger than I ever imagined would be possible.
I was splitting time between creating and studying the world through a camera and running a business. The business was well positioned to become a generational enterprise, so it got a lot of focus then. I tried to capture that split set of responsibilities in my work. By the end of 2015, I was refining digital-photography workflows and working with contracts - if it was my full time job I would've been a pro, but it was just my study, my medicine, my meditation. It was clear by the end of the year that a objective of mine in life was to one day create a film. I started writing them when I had time.